Epilogue OPUS


Epilogue’s Opus, a leading enterprise-grade performance support cloud solution, is the first productivity acceleration platform, providing in-app, context-sensitive help to users when they need it most – on the job.
Because Opus offers contextual help right on the job, users can do their jobs better and easier instead of looking for help or trying to remember what they learned in their training – if they actually received it in training sometime. This can help in accelerating productivity through improved user adoption of new and updated applications, fewer user errors, and less time to users’ desired competitiveness.

Know more about OPUS

Cloud Performance Support

Use of Analytics

A single editing source

Distributed autorship

Interfase de Usuario Moderna e Intuitiva

ODARC files conversion

Disaster Backup & Recovery

Tin Can/xAPI & SCORM Compatibility

If you want to request a demo or find out more about how AVA and OPUS can help you improve the productivity of your workforce, leading to higher business profits, lower costs and a higher Return on Investment.
Do not hesitate to contact us!